Comments on: Dead Men Tell No Tales Review Board Game Reviews, News and More Tue, 29 Mar 2016 19:40:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: geoffreygreer Tue, 29 Mar 2016 19:40:38 +0000 Thanks for the review. As I was reading, I was immediately reminded of Flash Point, which you eventually mentioned. As much as I like pirate themes, I don’t think this one will hit the table for us. I don’t see it taking the place of Flash Point (which I play with my kids) or my preferred pirate games. Blackbeard and Merchants & Marauders. Thanks for writing this up!

By: Tony Mastrangeli Tue, 29 Mar 2016 17:41:56 +0000 In reply to NoMoreLFGForMe.

Wow that’s a lot of questions. Lets see.
1. As someone who doesn’t have kids, I’m probably not the best to answer that question. Maybe someone else can chime in on that one.

2. Good question. I’d definitely put it in the top ten, but as to where, that would require some thought. Perhaps in a future list. 🙂

3. That can be hard, unless the game has ways to prevent that, such as real time play or hidden information. Mostly, we just try and not play with people who try and dominate a game.

4. AS soon as Jeff and Steph have another article ready, I’ll get it posted. I’ll give him a nudge and maybe he can finish his next one up. 🙂

Thanks for the kind words!

By: NoMoreLFGForMe Tue, 29 Mar 2016 16:58:04 +0000 I was on the edge for this one. Like you Tony I’m a sucker for Pirate anything. As mainly a family gamer, I have to be a bit picky about which titles to pick up. Pick up games where age is higher than 10 and is better played with more than 2, then I have a game sitting on my shelf for some time. I really want to pick up Libertalia and Merchants and Marauders but I feel these would collect a bit of dust. We find Jamaica at the table quite a bit because it’s a game my 6 year old can even play. Very simple game play but the conflict is always the best part.

Libertalia looks like something my 10 year old can pick up but this game looks like it would be an ideal fit. However, I find myself afflicted with the alpha player status in coop games when playing with the kids who don’t understand the “greater good”.

A couple of questions for you:
1. BGG has a voted age of this game to 8+. Do you feel this to be an accurate age rating or is that swayed by the fact that it is coop and someone can provide input? The actions don’t seem to be too complicated but they never do on the surface. The depth of a game is where the 10-12 age group has a harder time understanding. They see the surface and that’s as far as they get.

2. Where would you rank this game among the other top pirate games? OHhhhhh do I smell a top 10 Pirate game article?

3. How do you handle alpha players in board games? I’m trying to find a way of keeping my mouth shut while still trying to achieve the objective.

4. Lastly, what happened to Jeff Petersens “Family of Gamers” series? This was something I was going to start on BGG and still might. My problem revolves all around the resources required to maintain a blog like that.

I may not agree with you on everything you post but I find your reviews give a good overall feel of the game. My game choices tend to rely on an aggregate of data and Board Game Quest and Rahdo tend to be my go tos.

Thanks for the help and input!
